Lancashire Art is for Life not just for Christmas
So it’s that time of year again and everyone is thinking about what to buy their loved ones for Christmas. The dark nights are here and there is less and less natural light for me to continue my watercolour painting. I started to think about all the watercolours, namely Lancashire art, I have sold over the years, mills, farms and fields and how, I hope, folk are still enjoying having them on their walls.
Then I considered how much work goes into my art, the time and the thought, and what a special thing it is to think about my work giving pleasure for many years to come. It also caused me to reflect on the many gifts we give and receive that are just put to one side without much thought – small gestures that really don’t mean that much apart from a “merry Christmas” short-lived spirit of the season offering. Don’t get me wrong, I love these gifts (especially the chocolates!) but I also love it when a gift comes my way that I can enjoy for more than just the festive season, one gift that keeps on giving. The ones, when I come across, make me smile and remind me of that special friendship.
I’m sat here typing away in my studio, willing myself to paint on before the dark curtain of winter draws near, thinking about my art – the Lancashire art mostly. If you look at my High Storm art you will see my proud influences, my heritage and culture, brought into the painting. The fields, animals, hills and colours that are clear reflections of the beautiful Lancashire county I was brought up in.
The colours that I use are vibrant and contrast against the darker blues but which I love to use within my watercolours. Each one is special. Each piece of Lancashire art, or any other watercolour for that matter, is unique.
So when I’m opening my new pair of socks; munching on my chocolate or just falling asleep after a heavy meal on Christmas day, I’ll be thinking about that someone, somewhere whom has received my art and who’ll treasure it forever, for life and not just for Christmas.